Bruno Hérault
Scientific Director of the Paracou long-term experimental station, one the P-Imbalance focal site

Dr. Philippe Hinsinger (INRA-UMR Eco&Sols Montpellier)
Specialist of soil P biogeochemistry and plant nutrition, and of the fate of P availability in the rhizospher

Dr. Alejandro Castellanos Villegas
a.castellanos@creaf.uab.catResearch professor at Universidad de Sonora
Plant ecophysiology and functioning of arid ecosystems
Current projects:
- Changes in plant cover and impacts of livestock farming. Research on ecological and socio-economic interactions.
- Stoichiometric ecology and remote perception of the analysis of spatial distribution and invasibility of Cenchrus ciliaris in North Eastern Mexico.

Dr. Laynara Figueiredo Lugli
If313@exeter.ac.ukPostdoctoral researcher
Post doc working working on root identification and characterization in response to fertilizer treatments. Responsible for the root sampling during the wet and dry season measuring campaigns of 2019 in French Guiana.

Christian Ranits
christian.ranits@gmail.comMaster student
Worked on root and soil sampling during the wet season campaign of 2019 in French Guiana. Analysed soil samples for microbial biomass and nutrient turnover rates.

Petra Devers
Collaborating with Guyana's field campaing.

Laurie Lefebvre
Collaborating with Guyana's field campaing.

Stefan Van Beveren
Collaborating with Guyana's field campaing.

Anna Mégier
Collaborating with Guyana's field campaing.

Noé Obersteiner
Collaborating with Guyana's field campaing.