On Monday we will all gather together to enjoy a whole week of very interesting talks, discussions and fruitful collaborations.
You can find the official program here.
Looking forward to seeing you all next week!
On Monday we will all gather together to enjoy a whole week of very interesting talks, discussions and fruitful collaborations.
You can find the official program here.
Looking forward to seeing you all next week!
We have everything prepared to start the 5th Annual The IMBALANCE-P meeting next February (11th – 15th) in Sitges. Like previous years, we expect it to be a succesful meeting full of new collaborations and synergies.
Here you can find the program of the meeting.
Looking forward to seeing you all there!
Five years after the kick-off meeting in Barcelona, the Imbalance-P project comes back to Catalonia to celebrate the fifth annual meeting. We will gather together in Hotel Port (Sitges), where the sun and the sea breeze will help us having a nice time.
Just a few updates about the next annual meeting:
Call for presentations
From now on you can submit the titles of your presentations. Remember, they are about 14 minutes with 4 for discussion.
Preliminary program
Monday 11th
– Morning: 4 PI’s will discuss the current status and perspectives of the project
– Afternoon: Guyana meeting to prepare next campaign (2019).
– All day: Meetings of different working groups
– Social activities
Tuesday 12th
– Presentations all day (~ 9 – 18h) [Experimental – Synthesis blocks]
– Social activities in the evenings
Wednesday 13th
– Presentations in the morning [Synthesis – ESM blocks]
– Meetings in the afternoon
– Social activities in the evenings
Thursday 14th
– Presentations all day (~ 9 – 18h) [ESM – IAM blocks]
– Social activities in the evenings
Friday 15th
– Presentations in the morning [IAM block]
– Goodbyes in the afternoon
We hope to see you all there!
6th symposium on Phosphorus in Soils and Plants, PSP6
Monday 10 September 2018 – Thursday 13 September 2018, Leuven (Belgium)
The symposium will be hosted by the KU Leuven, Belgium and will take place from 10 to the 13 September 2018.
The symposium will deal with such pressing matters as phosphorus scarcity, which can limit crop production in many agronomical ecosystems, and management of excess phosphorus, which gives rise to problems of eutrophication mostly in aquatic ecosystems. The scope of the topics will range from fundamental insights of phosphorus biogeochemical cycles to applications such as crop breeding, fertilizer development, soil management and performance of environmental impact assessments. The conference also aims to attract a large number of scientists from developing countries where phosphorus scarcity is a major issue.
You can find more information here: https://kuleuvencongres.be/PSP6/
The ERC Synergy Imbalance-P project has been running for two years already. A lot of work has been done and some other still needs to be carried out. It is, therefore, time for us to meet again in a confortable city such as Paris.
The format will be similar to last time, researchers will present some of their work/results/projects within the Imbalance-P in short talks of about 15 minutes allowing participants to ask some questions. It is also planned to have time to allow researchers to discuss within the different working groups (experimental, synthesis, modelling…) and among them.
The main aims of the Paris meeting are to:
Scientific contact: Philippe Ciais (philippe.ciais@lsce.ipsl.fr)
Administrative Contact: Zoila Lopez (zoila.lopezsiri@cea.fr)
Organisers: Marcos Fernández-Martínez (m.fernandez@creaf.uab.cat) & Josep Peñuelas (josep.penuelas@uab.cat)
The program of the meeting is available here.
Pont des Arts. Author: Benh LIEU SONG, This picture is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0
Philippe Ciais, Josep Peñuelas, Sara Vicca and Daniel Goll in collaboration with Chinese colleagues, organised a workshop entitled: Nutrient limitation on land: how accurate are our global land models?
The workshop was hosted by the Northwest Agricultural and Forestry University from the 15th to 17th June 2016 in the Yangling, Shaanxi, China.
You can access the program here.
Bayesian modeling workshop with Dr. Kiona Ogle
Paris, 30 & 31 January, 2017
Summary: This workshop will provide a brief introduction to Bayesian and hierarchical Bayesian modeling. It includes presentation and discussion of basic concepts, including important elements of Bayesian statistics and hierarchical Bayesian modeling. Participants will have the opportunity to develop and implement a Bayesian model in OpenBUGS (in R).
Description: Ecologists are often faced with analyzing relatively complicated data. For example, ecological data sets can be spatially, temporally, or hierarchically structured; they may be missing relevant information; and they likely arise from nonlinear and/or non-Gaussian processes. Additionally, many contemporary problems in ecology require the synthesis of multiple sources and types of data. To accommodate this complexity, Bayesian and hierarchical Bayesian statistical methods are emerging as powerful tools for analyzing such data. This two-daylong workshop will provide an overview of Bayesian modeling at a relatively introductory level. This includes presentation and discussion of basic concepts, including important elements of Bayesian statistics and hierarchical Bayesian modeling. We will also provide an OpenBUGS (Bayesian software package) demonstration. During the workshop, participants will have the opportunity to develop and implement a Bayesian model based on a selection of ecological problems and data. By the end of the workshop, participants will be able to understand the fundamentals of Bayesian modeling and develop basic hierarchical models. We will provide reference materials so participants can explore the topics in greater depth. These materials should serve as a jumping-off point for those interested in employing the methods in their own research, or for those who simply want to familiarize themselves with the topic.
On February 2016, 24-26 IMBALANCE-P group will celebrate the second annual meeting in Vienna Continue reading
The meeting was held at the University of Vic (UVIC-UCC) over the period 9 – 12 June 2015 and the IMBALANCE-P group presented:
Bartrons M., Ciais, P., Janssens, I., Obersteiner, M., Peñuelas, J. Quantifying the responses of ecosystems and society in a world increasingly rich in N and C but limited in Phosphorus.
On April 2015, 9-10, IMBALANCE-P group will celebrate the meeting IIASA-LSCE on the integration of IAM and ESM in Paris.
On January 2015, 13-16 IMBALANCE-P group will celebrate the first meeting in Barcelona: Kick-off meeting. Continue reading
On October 2014, 13-14 IMBALANCE-P group participed on the CEBA third annual meeting